Our Team
Meet Our Founder
john hoggard, global principal/author
Having worked with 300+ utilities and government/311 agencies from every major continent, John Hoggard's passion is discovering, evangelizing & implementing innovative strategies that optimize the customer experience (CX), operations and revenues. Since starting his career as an Engineer at PPL, he has since road-mapped, procured and implemented over $300 million of 'digital transformation' technologies, and has personally trained over 700 professionals in our industry.
John has been published in 30+ trade publications, and has authored several Best Practices reports for industry leaders, including a study he conducted as an Advisor to a United States Secretary of Commerce.
He has been formally recognized by thought leaders and employers for outstanding customer service and collaboration skills, for technical/strategic project successes and for exceeding annual goals. John is available for both speaking and training, as he has been a frequent speaker/trainer both domestically and internationally for events hosted by Edison Electric Institute, American Gas Association, American Water Works Association, The National Rural Electric Association (NRECA), American Public Power Association (APPA), BNP Media, Metering International, CRM/CIS Europe, Chartwell, Utility Week UK, CXociety Asia, and most recently Digital Utilities Europe.
He has been formally recognized by thought leaders and employers for outstanding customer service and collaboration skills, for technical/strategic project successes and for exceeding annual goals. John is available for both speaking and training, as he has been a frequent speaker/trainer both domestically and internationally for events hosted by Edison Electric Institute, American Gas Association, American Water Works Association, The National Rural Electric Association (NRECA), American Public Power Association (APPA), BNP Media, Metering International, CRM/CIS Europe, Chartwell, Utility Week UK, CXociety Asia, and most recently Digital Utilities Europe.
- Recipient of the US Dept. of Energy (DOE) National Awards Program
- Former Sr Advisor to the United States Secretary of Commerce
- Recipient of Excellence Award from PPL Corporation
- Presented "Outstanding Achievement Award" from NCR/Teradata
- Named a "Top 20" Industry Consultant in N. America by CIO Review Magazine
- Named Honorary Contributing Editor for Engineered Systems Magazine
- Named USA representative on the Advisory Board of the largest European utility industry conference
- Author, "The Utility CX Handbook" (now available on Amazon)
- Author, "The Government CX Handbook" (available 2024)
- Published 30+ times by media leaders globally
- PM for multi-million dollar technology selection & implementations for utility and government leaders